Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are We there yet?

It is now coming to pass... those of us who have searched, researched, cross-referenced, and repeat-repeat-repeat such methodology in order to apply an enlightened perspective on existence to stop questing for the data input acquisition and it's retransmission of which may have aided us to awaken our awareness from the retarded ignorant temporal loop which governed our perception of reality and all what is possible.

It is now coming to pass...
...for us to realize we define our reality by however much we believe in ourselves as being manifesters of creation - not an external overlord god.

It is now coming to pass... move along a path wherein pure truth to walk such a path is already known in our hearts and we embrace truth and exist in the vast cosmic sea of consciousness wherein the fabric of this universal construct is woven of threads of omnipotent truth.

It is now coming to pass...
...for us to cease wanting to be what we want and make so to be who we are and set into motion our intention to master our becoming.

It is now coming to pass... become vigilant, willful beings who indeed set into motion and evolve our existence by ways of ascension into a reality of total liberation of what we perceive to be all that is possible; OR IF NOT we shall forever remain beings contented to allow the dominion of determining our fate to be empowered in all of what only has a perverted malignant desire to enslave us, exploit us, extort us, and then eliminate us as deemed necessary to fit their corrupted agenda.

It is now coming to pass...
...we realize that there is no plan of action for us to devise and implement, rather we are to act through which is true in our heart, true in our existence, and in our knowing all that is truth.